Sometime we try to run rake run:bb and we get following error:
[...stuff deleted]
cp -r platform/bb/build/../hsqldb/src/com/rho/file/ C:/Doc
uments and Settings/mrcorba/storemanager/bin/tmp/vsrc/com/rho/file
executing javac
PWD: C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rhodes-1.5.4
CMD: "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_03/bin/javac.exe" -g -d "C:/
Documents and S
ettings/mrcorba/storemanager/bin/tmp" -classpath "C:/Documents and
rba/storemanager/bin/RhoBundle.jar;C:/Documents and Settings/mrcorba/
r/preverified/RubyVM.jar" -bootclasspath "C:/Program Files/Research In
ackBerry JDE 4.6.0/lib/net_rim_api.jar" -source 1.3 -target 1.3 -
nowarn "@C:/Doc
uments and Settings/mrcorba/storemanager/bin/tmp/vsrc_build.files"
build/hsqldb_build.files @platform/bb/build/rhodes_build.files
javac: invalid flag: C:/Documents
Usage: javac
use -help for a list of possible options
Error compiling java code
Solution Try to move your app into a folder without spaces. Ex If you project is in C:\some directory\Rhodes_application then put your applicaton in C:\some_directory\Rhodes_application This is because sometime Rhodes is not able to count white spaces.
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Thanks for sharing nice information about Mobile application development. Mobile Application Development useful for iPhone development and Android Mobile Application Development. Awesome post.